The Rezon Masterclass is under development
The Rezon Masterclass is currently being revised and will soon be published in a fresh new look. Until the relaunch it is no longer possible to buy courses on this website. If you have already purchased a course, you can log in and watch it.
Thank you for your patience and we look forward to the relaunch!
In every of my masterclasses I will include and state genuine experience from myself, which you probably already read on here, being a Professional Fortnite Player is not only to play it includes a lot more things which you will find in every Category of my different Masterclasses.

Duo Masterclass
25€ Lifetime Access
Another year of Duo FNCS and what better time to sign up for the Lifetime Duos masterclass. No matter your role in duos, your teamwork, communication, chemistry is what drives you to a Victory Royale. Learn everything from how to pick your teammate, rotates, early/mid late game, splitting drops etc. Want to be at the top of the Duo leaderboards like Cented and Rezon? This is the perfect product for you!

Solo Masterclass
25€ Lifetime Access
Solos is a consistent gamemode in Fortnite and one of the most difficult gamemodes. In solos, there is no one to blame and no one to rely on but yourself. All this pressure is on your shoulders, so what do you do? Want to learn and master the solos gamemode? Sign up for the Lifetime Solos MasterClass HERE.

How to Fight Masterclass
25€ Lifetime Access
I have always been known as one of the best Fighters in the Fortnite scene and that will never change. In this Category of the Masterclass you will find out why and will get specific Tips and tricks on what to practice, learn and what is important about fighting.

Masterclass Bundle
60€ Lifetime Access
This is a bundle of all 3 Masterclasses together you will learn in every single of those categorys and you will have access to Solos, Fighting and duos after buying this bundle.

No Build Masterclass
???€ Lifetime Access